Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Is your girlfriend "High Maintenance?"

If you're a guy who loves his freedom, there is no greater kiss of death than to hook up with a girl who is "high maintenance." She sucks the life right out of you. I know - I've been there. No matter how good the sex matter what a trophy she is, if she needs a lot of hands-on and emotional support - RUN!

So, how do you know? How can you tell if your GF is going to suck the life out of you? I'm gong to teach you three ways:

1. Look at her forehead. If she rarely ever moves here eyebrows up, that's a red flag. People who have smooth (no wrinkles) on their forehead, do not have a flexible range of emotions. They tend to need to be in control. How does that fit with your lifestyle? This is not a rule - it's just a guideline, something to watch out for.

2. Next look at her eyes, or the outside of her eyes. Does she smile there a lot? People who have little smile lines at the outside of their eyes are telling you that they smile a lot. That's good. The alternative is unacceptable - if you're a guy who likes to laugh, likes people and is naturally friendly.

3. The voice. Ever hear a little girl talk? They have that sing-song baby talk sound. In a perfect world, only little girls would talk that way. Unfortunately, some little girls are traumatized. And, some of them get stuck in that emotional space for a long time.

That's usually called "arrested development." It means that part of your trophy GF is still a little girl doing whatever she can to get her emotional needs met - the needs that were not met when she was a little girl. That easily includes lying.

It's a sad situation, but it's also a dangerous one. If you're not trained in how to deal with an abuse victim, you're exposing yourself for a lot of anguish. I know - been there and have the emotional scars to show for it.

-- Michael Lovas

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